Mount Seymour Little League
League Volunteers

Mount Seymour Little League is run entirely by volunteers. If you feel that your skill set and volunteer time allowance will be a fit for any of these roles or would like more information on what the position involves, please contact us at info@msll.ca
Also, if you have a particular talent or passion for something that would enhance the overall experience for our players, families and community that is not listed – please be sure to contact us with your comments and feedback.
Executive Directors
- Presides at league meetings and District 5 (D5) meetings
- Assumes full responsibility for the operation of the league
- Receives all mail, supplies and other communications from D5
- Ensures that the league personnel are properly briefed on all phases of rules, regulations, and policies of Little League Canada
- Is the contact between the local organization and D5
Vice President
- Presides in the absence of the President
- When possible attends D5 meetings with or in absence of President
- Works with other officers
- Oversees and works with volunteers
- Is ex-officio member of all committees and carries out such duties and assignments as delegated by the President
- Signs checks co-signed by another officer or director
- Dispenses league funds as approved by the Executive
- Reports on the status of league funds
- Keeps local league books and financial records
- Prepares budgets and assumes the responsibility for all league finances
- Prepares and files necessary documents to Sports BC for annual grant
Communications Director
- Responsible for league communications to the membership by email
Manages league general email inbox - Update website as requested by members of the league executive
- Convert documents submitted for posting onto website into format usable by website (pdf files)
- Manages Social Media presence
- Liaises with other leagues as needed
- Provides an advisory role on administrative and baseball matters pertaining to the league
- Maintains a register of members and directors
- Records the minutes of meetings
- Is responsible for sending out notice of meetings and maintains a record of the league’s activities
- Attend registration events to obtain paper registration and encouraging online registration
- Downloading online player registrations and communicating with technical team regarding online registration dates and fees
Inputting player registration and recording payment - Issuing tax receipts to families who have not registered online
- Providing player information and reporting registration numbers to division coordinators and LVLL board, as required
Provide player information to Little League Canada - Works closely with Treasurer, President, Communications Director and all Division Coordinators
Director at Large
- Attends Board Meetings
- Provides an advisory role on administrative and baseball matters pertaining to the league and D5
- Is a member of ad-hoc committees and one-time tasks for the Board
- Support as needed
Division Coordinators
Rally Cap Coordinator (T-Ball & Rookie Divisions)
Pre-Season Responsibilities
- Obtain list of volunteers, coaches, assistants, managers, co-ordinators</li
- Obtain list of player names and create teams: school-based and where possible giving consideration to friend placement request
- Using the computer system and in conjunction with coaches, assign players to teams and e-mail team lists to coaches
- E-mail medical form information to coaches/managers (have managers check forms for missing info)
- Coaches Meeting at start of season (hand out uniforms, equipment & schedule)
- Create game schedule
Season Long
- Send reminders to coaches re: rules, dates for events, etc.
- On-going communication between coaches, managers and league
- Deal with rule questions as they arise throughout the season
- Collect uniforms & equipment in conjunction with Uniform and Equipment Managers
- Get feedback from coaches, parents, players
Minors Division Coordinator
Pre-Season Responsibilities
- Obtain list of volunteers, coaches, assistants, managers, co-ordinators
- Obtain list of player names and create teams – use evaluations & NOT school-based, however, giving consideration where possible to friend placement requests
- Using the computer system and in conjunction with coaches, assign players to teams and e-mail team lists to coaches
- E-mail medical form information to coaches/managers (have managers check forms for missing info)
- Coaches Meeting at start of season (hand out uniforms, equipment & schedule)
- Establish a schedule involving games between other leagues that might choose to interlock with MSLL, develop playoff format for MSLL teams; collect results for standings for playoffs; co-ordinate schedule with umpire scheduler
Season Long
- Send reminders to coaches re: rules, dates for events, etc.
- On-going communication between coaches, managers and league
- Deal with rule questions as they arise throughout the season
- Collect uniforms & equipment in conjunction with Uniform and Equipment Managers
- Get feedback from coaches, parents, players
Majors Division Coordinator
Pre-Season Responsibilities
- Obtain list of volunteers, coaches, assistants, managers, co-ordinators
- Obtain list of player names and create teams – use evaluations & NOT school-based
- Using the computer system and in conjunction with coaches, assign players to teams and e-mail team lists to coaches
- E-mail medical form information to coaches/managers (have managers check forms for missing info)
- Coaches Meeting at start of season (hand out uniforms, equipment & schedule)
- Establish a schedule involving games between other leagues that might choose to interlock with MSLL; develop playoff format for teams; collect results for standings for playoffs; co-ordinate schedule with umpire scheduler
Season Long
- Send reminders to coaches re: rules, dates for events, etc.
- On-going communication between coaches, managers and league
- Deal with rule questions as they arise throughout the season
- Collect uniforms & equipment in conjunction with Uniform and Equipment Managers
- Get feedback from coaches, parents, players
Development Program Coordinator
- In conjunction with Coaches, Division Coordinators, Field Manager, and Treasurer plan and execute development clinics for Farm, Minors, Majors and Juniors divisions for both pre-season and season
- Develop relationships with various baseball instruction providers
Time commitment: year round
Opening Day Coordinator & Committee
- Responsible for scheduling the Opening Day activities
- Coordinate tent/tables/chair/sound system
- Purchase drinks/chips
- Coordinate guest speakers/music/MC Opening Day
- Contact Vendor’s/Guest
- Speakers/Newspapers
- Opening Day Program
- Organize games/setup/field decorations and prizes
- Recruit Parents and Coaches for help on day of
Photo Day Coordinator
- Establish the schedule for having the team pictures taken on a particular Saturday in mid-April, communicating that schedule to the families through email and webmaster
- Be on hand to assist in orchestrating the team pictures and collect forms and fees
- You will work with Team Managers to ensure information is dispersed timely
Time commitment: 20 hours
Pre-Season Evaluation Coordinator
- Organize evaluations for player placement
- Ensure baseballs (soft), bats, pinnies are available for evaluations
- Organize coaches to evaluate
- Tabulate scores and prepare overall rating on each player
Sponsorship Coordinator
- Discuss the sponsorship and fundraising objectives with League directors before the season
- Contact regular sponsors each Spring to confirm continuing sponsorship and secure contribution
- Provide sponsors with basic information about MSLL initiatives and schedules
- Identify and develop potential new sponsorship and fundraising opportunities, as required
- Coordinate sponsor signage and recognition on Opening Day and sponsor references on MSLL website
- Have sponsors recognition plaques prepared and delivered at end of season
- Communicate with District Parks staff regarding sponsor signage opportunities
Trophy Coordinator
- In conjunction with Division Coordinators, Coaches and/or Executives, organize and order individual and champion trophies and medallions
- Pick up trophies and deliver to Division Coordinators
Time commitment: 2-3 hours
Uniform Coordinator
- Pre-season: check status of uniforms (league and allstars)
- In conjunction with the Division Coordinators organize and order uniforms
In conjunction with the Division Coordinators and Coaches, organize return and storing of uniforms - Pickup uniforms from supplier)
Time commitment: 15 hours
Managers | Agent | Safety
Equipment Manager
- Pre-season, order necessary equipment for all divisions
- Organize distribution of equipment to coaches
- Maintain appropriate level of equipment during season
- At season end, organize, receive, sort and store equipment
Time commitment: Pre-season & season long
Team Manager
- Organize team roster with contact details
- Circulate; obtain player medical forms
Ensure team Safety Kit is fully stocked - Organize snack/refreshment schedule for games
- Promote, assist with, and encourage team families to help with Special Events
- Communicate to parents on game and practice times and clinics
- Communicate with other teams managers to cancel and make-up games
- Communicate with Division Coordinator and Umpire Coordinator in the event of change in schedule
- Communicate with Communications
- Coordinator on score of games for posting on website
Time commitment: Season long
Player Agent
- Act as liaison between league and players and parents
- Situations may include moving players between teams within and across divisions
- Conduct player evaluations during season for possible movement
Time commitment: 25 hours (pre-season & season)
Safety Officer
The role of the Safety Officer is to ensure the physical protection of the children involved with the Mount Seymour Little League. The majority of this is achieved with good preventative processes in place.
Ensure all adults involved with the League have submitted a Volunteer Form. This needs to be done each year for all League Officials, coaches, adult umpires, Field Maintenance, Managers, Scorekeepers and Concession Stand workers.
Inspect all Volunteer forms to determine if there are any convictions or offensives that may put any children at risk. If there is a concern then a discussion needs to take place with the Mount Seymour president and/or board to determine if any league actions or restrictions are required.
Due to the travelling involved, the league may request that all All-star officials obtain a Criminal Record Check from the local police detachment.
The field facilities should be regularly inspected for any potential hazards that could cause injury.
Time commitment: Pre-season about 20 hours; in-season minimal
Coaches | Umpires
Head Coach
- This job is perfect for the person who loves the game of baseball and enjoys teaching the skills to play!
- It requires a commitment of time, energy, patience, and some basic knowledge of the game.
- Other responsibilities include organizing and managing practices (2 or 3 during pre-season, and at least 1 per week once the games begin), games (1-3 per week), selecting Assistant Coaches for your team, helping at the Players Skills Assessment in February/March, participating in the Player Draft, attending the Coaches Clinic in March/April
Time commitment: Pre-season & season long
- Organize umpire clinic in pre-season
- Organize MSLL umpire clinic either pre-season or during season
- Act as referral point for coaches and umpires in the interpretation of rules
- Attend Majors and Minors games when possible to encourage and work with umpires (ie. Positioning etc)
- Work with umpires in having an umpire evaluation system and providing them with names of registered umpires and which divisions they are qualified for
- Ensure all coaches have a copy of the Official Regulations and Playing Rules and updating any changes to these rules
- Answering questions related to rules from Umpires and coaches by quoting the rule book
- Ensuring all coaches have a copy of the Official Regulations and Playing Rules
- Pay the umps – at end of season (or in mid-season as well) calculate amount owing, get cheques from league and distribute to umps
- Implement an evaluation system of umpires
- Get schedule of games as soon as it is released; and schedule of playoffs when it is released
- Keep on top of makeup games
- Communicate with umps and determine general availability and special requests (i.e. some umps only want base)
- Communicate with coaches to let them know you are umpire in chief and that they need to keep you in the loop (cancelled games, makeup games, playoff games, etc)
- Schedule the umps, communicate, followup
- Get feedback from coaches and make decision on how to feed back to kids
- When contacted by other leagues, try to get umps for them as well
Time commitment: Pre-season & season long
If it weren’t for parent volunteers, there would be no Mount Seymour Little League. The league has no paid staff, volunteer executive members work all year round to ensure that there will be a next season. One member handles our many equipment needs, another keeps the diamonds in game shape, another works to ensure player safety, and the list goes on.
Team coaches and managers put in untold hours running practices, planning for games, and striving to give each of their players a positive experience. Coordinators spend time helping things run smoothly for the teams within their division.
In addition to all the time they give to baseball, our volunteers have jobs and family responsibilities just like you. They’re not looking for thanks, but they are looking for help. So when you’re called upon, please step up to the plate and give what time and energy you can.
Mount Seymour LL is lucky to have the field house building in Myrtle Park, which we use to run our concession. The concession manager is also a volunteer and puts lots of time into making it run smoothly. The concession is definitely a big part of the Little League experience, offering coffee and hot chocolates for evenings when it’s cold, and ice cream and slushies when the weather gets warmer – and of course serving hot dogs and candy throughout the season!
All teams are required to work 2- 3 shifts in the concession per season. The number of shifts assigned varies by division and number of teams in the league. On weeknights the concession shifts run from 5.30pm to 8.30pm, on Saturdays the concession is open from 9:00am to 6:00pm. It is recommended to split each 3 hour session in half so that 2 parents work a 1.5-hour shift from 5.30pm to 7:00pm and 2 parents work from 7:00pm to 8.30pm. There are further volunteers who will help with opening and closing the concession and show you what you need to do.
As T-ball teams have smaller numbers, they are assigned to work in the concession with another T-ball team. This means that T-ball teams only need to have one parent assigned to each shift.
It is strongly encouraged for teams to work their concession shifts; However, if you have difficulty getting enough volunteers it is possible for teams to pay $100.00 and the concession manager will hire teenagers to cover your shift. T-ball teams buy-out is $40.00 per shift, per team. Please note that you must give at least one week’s notice if you plan to take this option. If you wish to “buy out” your shift, please send an email to our Concession Manager, concession@msll.ca and include your concession date, division and team name.
Field Prep
At the start and end of each game the Home team is responsible for field prep. In Rookie Junior and Rookie Senior this involves raking the playing area, chalking the foul lines, installing the bases and setting up the pitching machine. Some coaches prefer to do this themselves, but generally it is best if volunteer parents do the job of field prep such that the coaches can focus on warming up their team.
For AA, AAA and Majors the field prep is a little more involved – the infield and pitching mound need to be raked, the batters boxes and foul lines chalked out, bases installed, and for the Seycove field the home run pylons need to be set up at 200 feet from home plate.
Watch the video below or read the Field Prep Guide provides more details on how to do field prep correctly:
Starting in the Rookie Senior division teams will need a scorekeeper for each game. Scoring in Rookie Senior is quite simple as you are only tracking runs scored and the number of outs. MSLL provides a custom score sheet for Rookie Senior (RS Score Sheet).
Starting in the AA division we use a regular score book for games. Scorekeeping can be a little hard to learn at first, but is a lot of fun once you learn how to do it. Not all parents will be prepared to volunteer as a score keeper, but you should try and find 3 – 4 volunteers who are willing to share this task over the season.
For games played on the Majors diamond the Home team scorekeeper and pitch counter will also be responsible for updating the electronic scoreboard.
Score Booth Etiquette
Home team “owns” the score booth
Away team should score from the bleachers unless invited in by the home team
Please do not cheer or comment on the game from the score booth
Sound carries directly to the plate area so please keep your voices low
To learn more about scorekeeping, check out this Scorekeeping Tutorial and refer to our Scorekeeping Cheat Sheet.
Pitch Counting
For divisions where the players pitch (Minors division and above) each team needs to keep a pitch count log. The purpose of pitch counting is to limit the number of pitches thrown by young arms, and ensure that they have enough days rest before pitching again. These limits are set by Little League.
Pitch counting is a straightforward job that can be shared out among all families on your team. The volunteer counts each pitch and records the pitchers name, catchers name and the number of pitches in the pitch count log book. For games played on the Majors diamond the Home team scorekeeper and pitch counter will also be responsible for the electronic scoreboard.
The Pitch Count Guide provides more information about pitch counting.