Mount Seymour Little League
Mount Seymour Little League offers co-ed baseball for players ages 4 to 18.

Important Information
Players in our Entry Level divisions are played by grade:
- Pre-Kindergarten: Blastball
- Kindergarten: Tee Ball
- Grade 1: Rookie Junior
- Grade 2: Rookie Senior
In the Minors Divisions, players are placed according to their “baseball age” and skill level using assessments/tryouts.
Baseball age is determined by Little League International which uses September 1 to August 31 as the determination date for baseball age. You can verify your player’s baseball age using this Little League table.
Recommended Division By Baseball Age
The following table shows the recommended player division by baseball age.
Baseball Age: | Division: | |
8 | Minors (AA) * | |
9 | Minors (AA) * or Minors (AAA) based on assessment | |
10 | Minors (AA) or Minors (AAA) or Majors ** based on assessment | |
11 | Minors (AAA) or Majors based on assessment | |
12 | Majors | |
13 | Juniors | |
14 | Juniors | |
15-18 | Seniors |
* All first year Minors players play in the AA Division
** Eligibility for Baseball 10 players assessing for the Majors Division will be decided on an individual basis
Division Information
Description: | Blastball is a fun introduction to the game of baseball for players who are baseball age 4. It is a great way for both players and parents to get involved with the sport of baseball. Blastball focuses on the very basic concepts of the game so the players become familiar with the sport. | |
Grade / Age: | Pre-kindergarten | |
Location: | All games played on the grass field at Myrtle Park. | |
Games: | Blastball will play one game on a Saturday, typically an hour in length. | |
Practices: | There are no separate practice sessions in this division. | |
Teams: | Teams are made up of 8-10 players. Teams are formed based on friend requests made during registration and by school/assumed school, when entered during registration. Please be sure to enter this information upon registration so we can place you with players who will be attending the same school, or in the same neighbourhood. | |
Uniform: | Blastball players receive a team t-shirt and baseball cap which should be work to all games. Players get to keep their t-shirt and cap at the end of the season. Baseball pants are not required in this division. | |
Call Ups: | None. If a team is short of players, it is recommended to borrow players from the opposing team. | |
Coordinator: | blastball@msll.ca |
Tee Ball
Description: | Tee Ball is an entry level division and a great introduction to baseball. The emphasis is on learning baseball concepts and having fun! Each session lasts approximately one (1) hour. Players will hit off a tee, outs are not tracked and scoring is not kept. Each child will get a turn to bat in each inning. | |
Grade / Age: | Kindergarten | |
Location: | All session take place on the grass field at Myrtle Park behind the Majors diamond. | |
Games / Practices: | Each team will have two (2) sessions per week. One (1) during the week on Monday or Wednesday and one (1) on Saturday. Weekday sessions start at 6:00pm and Saturday times will vary. | |
Teams: | Teams are made up of 6-8 players. Teams are formed based on friend requests made during registration and by schools. | |
Uniform: | A jersey (t-shirt) and hat will be provided. You must provide your own glove and helmet. Baseball pants and cleats are not required in this division, although cleats are recommended. | |
Call Ups: | None. If a team is short of players, it is recommended to borrow players from the opposing team. | |
Coordinator: | rallycap@msll.ca | |
Resources: | Add resources here |
Rookie Junior
Description: | Rookie Junior introduces players to live hitting with a mixture of coach soft toss and use of the pitching machine. The emphasis remains on fun and learning baseball concepts. A Rookie Junior game lasts approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes. Players are given up to 7 pitches to hit, outs are not tracked and there is no scoring in the games. | |
Grade / Age: | Grade 1 | |
Location: | Rookie Junior games are played on the north gravel field in Myrtle Park. | |
Games: | Rookie Junior teams play two games per week. One (1) game during the week on either Tuesday or Thursday and one (1) game on a Saturday. The schedule will vary from week to week to allow all teams to play one another. Week day games start at 6:00pm and Saturday game times will vary. | |
Practices: | Rookie Junior teams practice once per week on a Sunday for one (1) hour. | |
Teams: | Teams are made up of 10-12 players. Teams are formed based on friend requests made during registration and by schools. | |
Uniform: | Rookie Junior players receive a team jersey, baseball hat and baseball pants, which should be worn to all games. Players get to keep their jersey and hat at the end of the season. Players also need to supply their own helmet, glove, cleats and jock/jill. | |
Volunteers: | Each family is required to volunteer. In Rookie Junior, there will be concession shifts and raking/lining of the field. | |
Call Ups: | None. If a team is short of players, it is recommended to borrow players from the opposing team. | |
Coordinator: | rookiejr@msll.ca |
Rookie Senior
Description: | Rookie Senior uses the pitching machine and players are given up to 7 pitches to hit. Rookie Senior games are scored, with 1 point for each run, and 2 points scored by the defensive team for making an out in the field (strike outs do not score). Innings end after 3 outs. A Rookie Senior game lasts approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes. While games are scored, standings are not tracked in this division and there are no playoffs. | |
Grade / Age: | Grade 2 | |
Location: | All games played on the grass field at Myrtle Park. | |
Games: | Rookie Senior games are typically played on the south gravel field in Myrtle Park. | |
Practices: | Rookie Senior teams practice once per week on Sunday for one (1) hour. | |
Teams: | Teams are made up of 10-12 players. Teams are formed based on friend requests made during registration and by schools. | |
Uniform: | Rookie Senior players receive a team jersey, baseball hat and baseball pants, which should be worn to all games. Players get to keep their jersey and hat at the end of the season. Players also need to supply their own helmet, glove, cleats and jock/jill. | |
Volunteers: | Each family is required to volunteer. In Rookie Senior, there will be concession shifts, raking/lining the field and scorekeeping. | |
Call Ups: | None. If a team is short of players, it is recommended to borrow players from the opposing team. | |
Coordinator: | rookiesr@msll.ca | |
Resources: | Add resources here |
Minors (AA)
Description: | Minors AA is the first division where the players start to pitch. To aid the transition to player pitching the pitching machine is used for 2 innings per game during the early season. Minors AA also introduces base stealing (with modified rules). Games in Minors AA are scored, pitches are counted, and season standings are tracked. All teams qualify for the playoffs – with the top 2 teams in the playoffs competing in the championship game. A Minors AA game lasts approximately 2 hours (or occasionally longer). Umpires are used in Minors AA games. | |
Grade / Age: | Baseball age 8, 9 or 10. First time players to Minor are assessed for the AA division, returning players to Minors are assessed for AAA division, but may be placed in AA based on assessment results. | |
Location: | Minors AA games are played at Blueridge Park and on the Seycove diamond. | |
Games: | Minors AA teams play twice per week. One game during the week and one game on Saturday. The schedule will vary from week to week to allow all teams to play one another. Rained out games are rescheduled by the division coordinator, which could mean two weekday games. | |
Practices: | Minors AA teams practice once per week on Sunday. Teams in this division may also book sessions in the Myrtle Park batting cage and additional practices during the week. To book an extra practice session please email field_booking@msll.ca | |
Teams: | Teams are made up of 11-13 players. Assessments for all new and returning minors players are held in February. Teams are formed via a draft process in order to ensure balanced teams. If you have any questions, please contact the player agent prior to the draft, at playeragent@msll.ca | |
Uniform: | Minors AA players receive a team jersey, team belt and baseball hat which must be worn to all games. Players return their jersey and belt at the end of the season. Player must provide their own grey baseball pants with belt loops. Players are also required to provided their own cleats, helmet and jock/jill in this division. | |
Volunteers: | Each family is required to volunteer. In AA, there will be full field preparation, scorekeeping, pitch counting and concession shifts. | |
Call Ups: | If a Minors AA teams has less than 10 players available for a game, they may call up a player from the Rookie Senior division. The player agent will provide the Minors AA coaches with a call up list of Rookie Senior players who may be called up to the AA division. The AA Division Coordinator will provide you with the full list of call-up rules at the start of the season. | |
Coordinator: | minoraa@msll.ca | |
Resources: | Add resources here |
Minors (AAA)
Description: | Minors AAA is a continuation of the Minors AA division with more advanced rules. Minors AAA uses live pitching and modified base stealing. Games in Minors AAA are scored, and season standings are tracked. All teams qualify for the playoffs – with the top 2 teams in the playoffs competing in the championship game. A Minors AAA game lasts approximately 2 hours (or occasionally longer). Umpires are used in Minors AAA games. | |
Grade / Age: | Baseball age 9, 10, 11. (Go to Overview to calculate baseball age). All returning minors players are assessed for the AAA division. Players aged 11 are guaranteed placement in a minimum of the AAA division. Baseball age 10 and 9 year old players may be placed in either AAA or AA based on assessment results. (A 12 year old player may play in AAA under special circumstances. 12 years old may not pitch in AAA and can only play in this division with permission of MSLL President). | |
Location: | Minor AAA games are played on the Majors and Seycove fields in Myrtle Park. | |
Games: | Minors AAA teams play twice per week. One game on a Saturday, and one game during the week. The schedule will vary from week to week to allow all teams to play one another. Rained out games are rescheduled by the division coordinator. | |
Practices: | Minors AAA teams practice once per week usually on a Sunday. Teams in this division may also book sessions in the Myrtle Park batting cage and additional practices during the week. To book an extra practice session please email field_booking@msll.ca | |
Teams: | Teams are made up of 11-13 players. Assessments for all new and returning minors players are held in February. Teams are formed via a draft process to ensure balanced teams. If you have any questions, please contact the player agent prior to the draft. | |
Uniform: | Minors AAA players receive a team jersey, team belt and baseball cap which must be worn to all games. Players return their jersey and belt at the end of the season. Players must provide their own grey baseball pants with belt loops. | |
Volunteers: | Each family is required to volunteer. In AAA, there will be field prep, scorekeeping, pitch counting and concession shifts. | |
Call Ups: | If a Minors AAA teams has less than 10 players available for a game, they may call up a player from the Minors AA division. The player agent will provide the AAA coaches with a call up list of AA players who may be called up to the AAA division. When possible please contact the player’s coach to organize the call up – however in the case of a last minute call up you may contact the player directly. A Minors AAA team may only use the same call up player 2 times during the season. The AAA division coordinator must be notified whenever a call up player is used. | |
Coordinator: | minoraaa@msll.ca | |
Resources: | Add resources here |
Description: | The Majors division is the highest division played at Myrtle Park. The Majors division uses full Little League rules with live pitching, LL stealing and no run limits on innings. Games in Majors are scored, and season standings are tracked. All teams qualify for the playoffs – with the top 2 teams in the playoffs competing in the championship game. A Majors game lasts approximately 2 hours (or occasionally longer). Umpires are used in Majors games. | |
Grade / Age: | Baseball age 10, 11 and 12. (Go to Overview to calculate baseball age). All 12 year old players and returning Majors players automatically qualify to play in Majors regardless of their experience or assessment scores. Baseball age 11 and 10 year old players who played in AAA the previous season may tryout for placement in the Majors division and will be placed in either Majors or AAA based on their assessment scores. | |
Location: | Majors games are played on the Majors field in Myrtle Park. | |
Games: | Majors teams play twice per week. One game on a Saturday, and one game during the week, typically a Tuesday or Thursday. The schedule will vary from week to week to allow all teams to play one another. Rained out games are rescheduled by the division coordinator. | |
Practices: | Majors teams practice once per week on Sunday. Teams in this division may also book sessions in the Myrtle Park batting cage and additional practices during the week. To book an extra practice session please email schedule@msll.ca | |
Teams: | Teams are made up of 11-13 players. Assessments for all guaranteed Majors players (12 year old’s and players who have already played in the Majors division) and 11 or 10 year old players who wish to tryout for Majors are held in February. Teams are formed via a draft process to ensure balanced teams. If you have any questions, please contact the player agent prior to the draft. | |
Uniform: | Majors players receive a team jersey, team belt and baseball cap which must be worn to all games. Players return their jersey and belt at the end of the season. Players must provide their own grey baseball pants with belt loops. | |
Call Ups: | If a Majors teams has less than 10 players available for a game, they may call up a player from the Minors AAA division. The Player Agent will provide the Majors coaches with a call up list of Minors AAA players who may be called up to the Majors division. When possible please contact the player’s coach to organize the call up – however in the case of a last minute call up you may contact the player directly. A Majors team may only use the same call up player 2 times during the season. The division coordinator must be notified whenever a call up player is used. | |
Coordinator: | majors@msll.ca | |
Resources: | Add resources here |
Description: | The Juniors division is the next step up after the Majors division. The base paths are 80 feet long and the pitching mound is 53 ft from home plate. The Juniors outfield is naturally larger and some parks have the home run fence at 250 ft. Lead offs are allowed, and the bat size is bigger. Games in Juniors are played at parks across the North Shore and the schedule is organized at the District 5 level. | |
Grade / Age: | Grade 7/8/9 (baseball age 13 and 14) | |
Location: | Most games are played at Kirkstone Park, away games can be at Ambleside or Brennan parks. | |
Games: | Juniors teams play twice per week. The schedule will vary from week to week to allow all teams to play one another. The Juniors schedule is provided by District 5 administrator. Rained out games are rescheduled. | |
Practices: | Juniors teams practice once per week. Teams in this division may also book sessions in the Myrtle Park batting cage. | |
Teams: | Teams are made up of 11-13 players. Assessments are not used for this division. Teams are formed via a draft process to try to build balanced teams. As a result friend requests can only be considered in extreme circumstances. If you have a specific player request, please contact the player agent prior to the draft. | |
Uniform: | Juniors players receive a team jersey and baseball cap which must be worn to all games. Players return their jersey at the end of the season, but get to keep their cap. | |
Call Ups: | Juniors teams may call up players from Majors according to their own league call up policy. For MSLL that means a player may be called up a max of 2 times per team and must be on the call up list that was provided to coaches. | |
Coordinator: | juniors@msll.ca |
Description: | The Seniors division is the next step up after the Juniors division. Games in Seniors are played on a regulation size baseball diamond. Games in Seniors are played at parks across the North Shore and the schedule is organized at the District 5 level. | |
Grade / Age: | Grade 9/10/11 (baseball age 15 and 16) | |
Location: | Games are played at Interriver and Ambleside Parks. | |
Games: | Seniors teams play twice per week. The schedule will vary from week to week to allow all teams to play one another. The Seniors schedule is provided by District 5 administrator. Rained out games are rescheduled. | |
Practices: | Seniors teams practice once per week. Teams in this division may also book sessions in the Myrtle Park batting cage. | |
Teams: | Teams are made up of 11-14 players. Assessments are not used for this division. Teams are formed via a draft process to try to build balanced teams. As a result friend requests can only be considered in extreme circumstances. If you have a specific player request, please contact the player agent prior to the draft. | |
Uniform: | Seniors players receive a team jersey and baseball cap which must be worn to all games. Players return their jersey at the end of the season, but get to keep their cap. | |
Call Ups: | Seniors teams may call up an MSLL player from the Juniors division. | |
Coordinator: | seniors@msll.ca |
Challenger Baseball
“In a league. On a team. In a uniform.”
Challenger Baseball is a program that provides an opportunity for children and adults with cognitive or physical disabilities to enjoy the full benefits of participation in baseball at a level structured to their abilities. North Shore Challenger Baseball is open to all residents of North and West Vancouver. The Youth Challenger Baseball program is hosted by Highlands Little League, while the North Shore Adults Challenger Baseball program is hosted by Mount Seymour Little League.
Baseball games are played in a fun, safe environment where no score is kept. Able-bodied “Buddies” are assigned (one on one, where possible) to each participant. These Buddies assist the Challenger players with their involvement in the game. Pushing wheelchairs around the base path, assisting players in how to hold the bat and swing, or providing protection for the Challenger player from a batted ball, are just a few of the ways the Buddies offer a better experience for the participants in Challenger Baseball.
Each participant is treated like every other player in the conventional baseball program. All players are outfitted in uniforms, use the same equipment, and play their games at the local baseball parks. A team picture is a must for Challenger, as it is in the other divisions.
Last but not least, the smiles are plentiful and free! The joy on the face of each participant in Challenger Baseball makes it very clear how much fun they are having. No pressures, no playing time issues, everyone just has fun! It’s what baseball is supposed to be all about.
North Shore Challenger Baseball
The Youth Challenger Baseball Program is for players ages 5 to 18. It is chartered by Highlands Little League and games are played at Delbrook Park.
North Shore Adults Challenger Baseball
This program is aimed at players aged 19+ living with cognitive or physical disabilities on the North Shore who would like to play baseball. The program runs on Saturday from 2.00pm-3.45pm at Myrtle Park in Deep Cove. The program is offered at NO cost to the participants.
If you have questions about the Challenger Division or are interested in volunteering as a Buddy – please contact Duncan Macaulay duncanmacaulay@telus.net.